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Looking for Musicians, Artists & Performers for our 2025 festivals.  Sign up on our event page or contact Karen Storey at

Check out our new Event Guide for 2025.  Lots of opportunities to sponsor and be a part of the community.

Follow Us and give us a LIKE on our social media outlets.  There are lots of partnerships and great things happening here at the GBACOC.

The Women's Network is excited to invite you to their upcoming Sip & Support Make-A-Wish Michigan event.  This event will take place at Single Barrel Social, on February 20th from 4:30-6:30. Listen HERE to learn more about the event.

Business Expo coming March 6th, 3:00-7:00 at Crystal Gardens.  Connect and learn about businesses in our community.  Listen HERE for more news.


The Greater Brighton Area Chamber of Commerce is happy to partner with non-profit organizations.  We value the partnerships that are made throughout our networking and marketing efforts.  Each individual's passion, expertise, and vision are what makes our chamber and community the success it is.

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The Greater Brighton Area Chamber of Commerce is excited to host Lunch & Learn Non-Profit Connections.  This opportunity is for both non-profit organizations and member businesses and leaders to learn about each other.  This time is dedicated to sharing visions that will hopefully lead to partnerships that will make each party flourish.


These times will be hosted in the conference room at the Greater Brighton Area Chamber building.  If a business or non-profit would like to schedule a different location, please contact our staff.


For more information contact Gavin Johnson, President & CEO, at