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Looking for Musicians, Artists & Performers for our 2025 festivals.  Sign up on our event page or contact Karen Storey at

Check out our new Event Guide for 2025.  Lots of opportunities to sponsor and be a part of the community.

Follow Us and give us a LIKE on our social media outlets.  There are lots of partnerships and great things happening here at the GBACOC.

The Women's Network is excited to invite you to their upcoming Sip & Support Make-A-Wish Michigan event.  This event will take place at Single Barrel Social, on February 20th from 4:30-6:30. Listen HERE to learn more about the event.

Business Expo coming March 6th, 3:00-7:00 at Crystal Gardens.  Connect and learn about businesses in our community.  Listen HERE for more news.

Welcome to the Greater Brighton Area Chamber of Commerce

We believe the core of what we do here at the Chamber is helping you, our members, and our community thrive. Our goal is to keep our focus and mission on you and your success.

Welcome to the Whitmore Lake Chamber of Commerce

We believe the core of what we do here at the Chamber is helping you, our members, and our community thrive. Our goal is to keep our focus and mission on you and your success.

Welcome to the Pinckney Putnam Hamburg Hell Chamber of Commerce

We believe the core of what we do here at the Chamber is helping you, our members, and our community thrive. Our goal is to keep our focus and mission on you and your success.

Welcome to the Lyon Area Chamber of Commerce

We believe the core of what we do here at the Chamber is helping you, our members, and our community thrive. Our goal is to keep our focus and mission on you and your success.

Helping People Live, Work and Thrive in the Greater Brighton Area

The Greater Brighton Area Chamber of Commerce is a regional chamber with members located all across Livingston County, western Oakland County and northern Washtenaw County. We also have members all across southeast Michigan who benefit from our services. With three divisions, The Whitmore Lake, Pinckney, Putnam, Hamburg, Hell and Lyon Area Chambers of Commerce.

This is one of the most exciting places to live and work in southeast Michigan. The opportunities for recreation, place making, business and good healthy living are endless. Let us help you learn more about all the opportunities in this thriving area!

Click on any of the events or opportunities below to register, become a sponsor, or to learn more about what is happening at Greater Brighton Area Chamber of Commerce.  For more information, or if you have any questions reach out to our staff HERE


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2016 GBA Logo


The Greater Brighton Area Chamber


The Greater Brighton Area Chamber of Commerce's mission is to promote opportunities for a prosperous business community. The Chamber is a large and dynamic business organization focused on strengthening, referring and connecting its members. It is an organization that promotes the local economy with large scale civic events, bringing hundreds of thousands of people to the area.


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The Pinckney, Putnam, Hamburg, Hell Chamber


They may be small towns but they are mighty and have big hearts and community involvement to match. The Chamber is comprised of community leaders and local business owners leading the way putting on special events that help draw people together. As a division of the Greater Brighton Area Chamber of Commerce, they are able to provide more services, organizational development, network opportunities and advocate on your behalf to advance the businesses and help you succeed.


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Pickney Putnam Hamburg HellLogo
Whitmore Lake Logo


The Whitmore Lake Chamber


If you love water sports, and are also looking for a place with an ideal geographic location and committed community leaders, Whitmore Lake is the place for you.  Whitmore Lake is located just off US-23 between Brighton and Ann Arbor, not far from where US-23 and I-96 meet.


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The Lyon Area Chamber


With the growing business community, outstanding school system, fantastic recreational opportunities and strong sense of community spirit, the five communities that comprise the Kensington Chamber area offers a wealth of rewarding experiences. Take advantage of networking, professional development and event opportunities to grow your business.


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