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Leadership Livingston 2024-2025
Leadership Livingston 2024-2025

Program Application

Leadership Livingston runs annually from October through May and is designed to develop civic-minded community leaders in the Greater Livingston region. Upon completing the program, participants will have a deeper understanding of how community institutions contribute to the region's overall quality of life. Participants will also receive content on a wide variety of topics to enhance their leadership skills. The sponsoring organization, the participating individual and the community will benefit greatly from participation in this program. Switch account
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First Name:
Last Name: *
Cell Phone: *
Personal Email: *
Home Address: *
City: *
State: *
Postal Code: *
How long have you lived/worked in Livingston County? *
Gender: *
Age: *
Employment Information- Position Title: *
Organization: *
Work Email: *
Work Phone: *
Work Address: *
City: *
State: *
Postal Code: *
Employed Since: *
Community Connections- Please list your current or past involvement, if any, in professional organizations, business and community board service and volunteerism. (Include: name of group, positions held and periods of service) *
Short Essay (1,000 words or less)- Please provide a short essay describing your motivation for participation in Leadership Livingston. Your essay could include a story about your past leadership experiences; your thoughts about the impact of effective leadership on an organization or the community; the leadership qualities you have and want to develop; and what you hope to gain from participation in this program. *
References- Please provide the names of 3 references. Include their name, title, employer, Email address, and phone number. *
Acknowledgements: *
Printed Name: *
Signature & Date: *
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