Leadership Livingston 2024-2025JavaScript isn't enabled in your browser, so this file can't be opened. Enable and reload.Leadership Livingston 2024-2025Program Application Leadership Livingston runs annually from October through May and is designed to develop civic-minded community leaders in the Greater Livingston region. Upon completing the program, participants will have a deeper understanding of how community institutions contribute to the region's overall quality of life. Participants will also receive content on a wide variety of topics to enhance their leadership skills. The sponsoring organization, the participating individual and the community will benefit greatly from participation in this program. info@brightoncoc.org Switch account Not shared * Indicates required questionFirst Name: Your answerLast Name: *Your answerCell Phone: *Your answerPersonal Email: *Your answerHome Address: *Your answerCity: *Your answerState: *Your answerPostal Code: *Your answerHow long have you lived/worked in Livingston County? *Your answerGender: *Your answerAge: *Under 2525-3536-5050 & OverEmployment Information- Position Title: *Your answerOrganization: *Your answerWork Email: *Your answerWork Phone: *Your answerWork Address: *Your answerCity: *Your answerState: *Your answerPostal Code: *Your answerEmployed Since: *Your answerCommunity Connections- Please list your current or past involvement, if any, in professional organizations, business and community board service and volunteerism. (Include: name of group, positions held and periods of service) *Your answerShort Essay (1,000 words or less)- Please provide a short essay describing your motivation for participation in Leadership Livingston. Your essay could include a story about your past leadership experiences; your thoughts about the impact of effective leadership on an organization or the community; the leadership qualities you have and want to develop; and what you hope to gain from participation in this program. *Your answerReferences- Please provide the names of 3 references. Include their name, title, employer, Email address, and phone number. *Your answerAcknowledgements: *I have discussed with my employer my intention to participate in the Leadership Livingston program and I have held these dates on my calendar.I understand that my attendance at ALL scheduled Leadership Livingston sessions is mandatory because my participation is essential to the program's success. I have received permission to be absent from work one full day each month to attend the Leadership Livingston Sessions.I have also discussed with my employer the importance of my participation in each session and that absence could result in my dismissal from the Leadership Livingston Program without a refund.If for some reason I must withdraw from Leadership Livingston, notification must be given two weeks prior to the first class. If notification is given later than two weeks prior to the start date, a $500 fee will be assessed.RequiredPrinted Name: *Your answerSignature & Date: *Your answerSubmitClear formNever submit passwords through Google Forms.This content is neither created nor endorsed by Google. Report Abuse - Terms of Service - Privacy Policy Forms